Minería, Pagina de Inicio, Participación y Consulta, Relaciones Comunitarias
Minería, Participación y Consulta, Pueblos Indígenas, Relaciones Comunitarias
Kit de Minería en el Perú – Embajada de Canadá
Social Assessments, Mining, Home Page, Participation and Consultation, Resettlement, Community Relations
Resettlement of the city of Morococha
Prior Consultation, Social Assessments, Oil and Gas, Mining, Home Page, Indigenous Peoples
Social Management and Indigenous Peoples
Human Rights, Due Diligence, Energy and Renewables, Industry and Commerce, Infrastructure and Transport, Mining, Multilateral and Financial, Home Page
Environmental, Social and Human Rights Due Diligence
Social Assessments, Mining, Home Page, Resettlement
Social Management and Resettlement Consulting – Ambatovy, Madagascar
Mining, Home Page, Resettlement